The Bank Has Foreclosed and Changed the Locks but How Can You Legally Get Access Inside?
Updated: 6/2/23 Foreclosure is a difficult and protracted process which homeowners hope never to experience. For many, the end of foreclosure is only the beginning of a new nightmare. Many homeowners, for example, leave their homes during proceedings—perhaps on a business trip or to visit family— ...
How Does a Successful Foreclosure Defense End?
Though navigating the ins and outs of real estate foreclosure isn’t always a simple matter, many homeowners often do successfully make it to the tranquil shores on the other side. The ultimate goal of a foreclosure defense is to avoid a final judgment. This means doing whatever possible to come to t ...
If Your Property in Florida Gets Foreclosed Can the Bank Sue You for Deficiency?
If your property was recently foreclosed, you may be surprised to find that you may still owe money on the property and that the ordeal is far from over. When a mortgage lender is unable to recover the entire loan balance after a foreclosure sale, homeowners are often still held responsible for the ...
Can a Landlord Evict a Tenant for Noise Complaints?
How to word a rental agreement with an option to show property to prospective buyers?
Selling your home in a harsh economy can be tough, but selling your home while having a tenant is another matter entirely. While most listing agents and realtors would prefer their listings vacant, landlords are seldom able to afford having their investment property sit empty for months at a time. ...
Tenant Evacuation Guidelines for Pest Extermination
Signing a lease binds both the landlord and the tenant to a variety of responsibilities. As the owner of the property, under Florida Law the landlord is responsible for the maintenance associated with pest control—as is the case with termites. Because the process often involves fumigation, it is per ...
Can a Landlord Levy a Fine for not Notifying Them of Rental Intentions in a Set Amount of Time?
We’ve all been there: The lease on your current place is about to end and you have to decide whether to agree to another lease or try to find a new place to live. Occasionally, a landlord will ask to know your intentions before the lease term is over, and taking too long to decide could cost you mon ...
Can you Obtain an FHA Loan if Your Mortgage was Discharged in a Chapter 7 Over 2 Years Ago, but the Property is Still Titled in Your Name?
Though filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy can improve an individual’s creditworthiness and even allow them to outright keep ownership of certain exempt property, it is not often a cure for upside down debt on a home. Generally, borrowers must endure a minimum "seasoning" period before lenders are willing ...
In FL, is there a Minimum Amount of Days for a Landlord to Notify a Tenant of a Rent Increase?
Updated: 6/2/23 In the state of Florida, there are no rent control provisions. This means that landlords have the freedom to charge any amount they deem suitable for rent. The only limitation on how much they can charge is the availability of tenants willing to pay that price. This concept is oft ...
If You are Renting a Home while in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Can You Get it Out of your Name if the Bank has not Foreclosed Yet?
Even if you’ve filed bankruptcy and moved out of your home, your name remains on the property title. Moreover, mortgage liens are generally not discharged in a chapter 13 bankruptcy. Unfortunately, you will remain the owner of record until your lender forecloses or you take the necessary steps to re ...