When faced with a foreclosure, you need to know your legal rights. Stephen K. Hachey, a Tampa foreclosure attorney, is dedicated to helping homeowners facing foreclosure with expert, realistic advice and solutions. He stands out among Florida foreclosure attorneys by utilizing legal strategies and tactics to protect your rights as a homeowner.
With 1 in nearly every 400 homes receiving a foreclosure filing each month, Florida leads the nation in foreclosures. With so many new cases being filed each day, it’s critical to hire an experienced Tampa Florida foreclosure attorney to represent and guide you through each step of the process. Attorney Stephen K. Hachey is committed to helping homeowners who are facing foreclosure by providing expert advice and options. By providing foreclosure defense and forcing the bank to prove its foreclosure case, he will provide you with additional time to assess alternatives such as short sales, loan modifications, and deed in lieus. No matter where you are in the foreclosure process, the Law Offices of Stephen K. Hachey can help.
Mortgage Loan Modifications
A loan modification is a permanent change of a lender’s loan terms. This can help the borrower to become current, potentially lower the mortgage payment, and in some cases reduce the principle. Compared to the expense of completing a typical foreclosure, loan mods are a preferred alternative to a foreclosure because of the reduced cost to both the lender and borrower.
While a loan modification may sound easy, it can be a lengthy process that may involve increasing interest rates or lengthening the loan altogether. The Law Offices of Stephen K. Hachey has helped dozens of clients facing foreclosure stay in their homes through successful loan modifications.
Short Selling to Avoid Foreclosure
Even if you don’t currently have any equity, you still can possibly sell your home through a process called a short sale. It’s a transaction that allows you to sell your home for a price less than what you currently owe on your mortgage, but only if your lender agrees to accept it. This process can be extremely time consuming and usually requires lengthy negotiation with the lender by a skilled short sale attorney.
Tampa foreclosure lawyer Stephen K. Hachey works with lenders daily to negotiate short sales on behalf of his clients. He and his team can convince lenders that there’s more benefit in taking less than what is owed now, rather than foreclosing and trying to sell later.
Bankruptcy if There’s No Other Solution
Another option is to file for bankruptcy. This allows you to restructure your debt and protect you from losing your home. By decreasing the total amount you owe to creditors or extending the time of your other loans, bankruptcy may free up additional cash flow and allow you to continue making your mortgage payments.
The Law Offices of Stephen K. Hachey understands that many bankruptcies occur due to separation, business failure, health problems or mortgage-related distress. While bankruptcy seems like an extreme option for avoiding foreclosure, it’s one that can be utilized when debt has accrued. However, this decision should not be taken lightly and seeking expert counsel is always a good idea. Stephen K. Hachey can help you wade through the bankruptcy process and achieve a positive solution.
Tampa Florida Foreclosure Defense You Can Count On
Stephen K. Hachey, an experienced foreclosure attorney, can not only help you determine your options, but he can advise you on the best course of action based on your unique situation. And with offices spread out across Tampa Bay, he’s available and accessible to begin defending you. We proudly serve Tampa, St Petersburg, Clearwater, Wesley Chapel, Brandon, Riverview, South Tampa and everywhere in between.
No matter where you are in the foreclosure process,
call 813-549-0096 for a free consultation.
Phone & Fax
Phone: (813) 549-0096
Fax: (813) 377-4968
The Law Offices of Stephen K. Hachey, P.A.
15619 Premiere Drive Ste 104A
Tampa, FL 33624
(By Appointment Only)