I've encountered numerous cases where co-owners of property find themselves at a crossroads, contemplating whether or not to separate their shared assets. One question that often arises is whether it's possible—or advisable—to file a partition lawsuit without the assistance of an attorney. Let's dive into this subject to get an answer.

Legal Definition of a Partition Lawsuit

A partition lawsuit is a legal action taken to divide a jointly owned property among the co-owners. This is often the last resort when co-owners cannot agree on what to do with the property they own together. In Florida, the governing laws for partition actions can be found under Chapter 64 of the Florida Statutes. The objective of a partition lawsuit is to fairly distribute the property or the proceeds from its sale among the co-owners, based on their respective ownership interests.

In a partition action, the court evaluates the ownership structure, the value of the property, and any other relevant factors to determine the most equitable way to divide the property. This could result in the physical division of the property, or more commonly, the sale of the property and distribution of the proceeds.

Why Some Choose to Go Without an Attorney

The decision to file a partition lawsuit without legal representation is often driven by the desire to save on legal fees. After all, attorneys can be expensive, and the costs can add up quickly in a legal proceeding that involves multiple steps and complexities. Some people may also feel confident in their ability to navigate the legal system on their own, especially if they have some background in legal matters or real estate.

However, while the idea of saving money is tempting, it's crucial to weigh the risks and challenges involved. Legal procedures are intricate, and a small mistake could result in delays, additional costs, or even an unfavorable outcome.

The Legal Process: A Step-by-Step Guide and Why an Attorney is Advisable

Filing a partition lawsuit involves a series of complex legal steps that require meticulous attention to detail. Here's a brief overview:

  1. Initial Filing: The first step is to file a complaint for partition in the appropriate court. This document outlines the nature of the property, the parties involved, and the reason for the partition request.

  2. Serving the Complaint: After filing, the complaint must be served to all parties who have an interest in the property. This includes not just the co-owners but also any lienholders or other parties with a legal claim to the property.

  3. Court Proceedings: Once all parties have been served, the court will schedule hearings to evaluate the case. This may involve expert testimony, property appraisals, and other evidentiary matters.

  4. Judgment and Execution: If the court rules in favor of partition, it will issue a judgment outlining how the property should be divided or sold. The court may appoint a commissioner to oversee the sale and distribution of proceeds.

Given the complexity of these steps, it's highly advisable to retain an attorney experienced in Florida real estate law. Here are some reasons why:

  • Legal Expertise: An attorney can guide you through the labyrinthine legal procedures, ensuring that all documents are filed correctly and on time.

  • Strategic Advice: A lawyer can offer strategic advice on how to present your case, which can be invaluable in court proceedings.

  • Avoiding Pitfalls: The legal system is fraught with pitfalls that can derail your case. An experienced attorney can help you avoid these, saving you time and potentially a lot of money in the long run.

  • Negotiation Skills: Often, partition cases can be resolved through negotiation before they go to court. An attorney can negotiate on your behalf, potentially reaching a favorable settlement without the need for a lengthy court battle.

In summary, while it may seem cost-effective to go without an attorney, the risks and complexities involved make legal representation a wise investment.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Navigating a partition lawsuit without legal representation is akin to walking through a minefield; the risks are high, and one wrong step can have severe consequences. Here are some common pitfalls and how an attorney can help you avoid them:

Incorrect Filing

One of the most basic yet crucial steps is the initial filing of the partition complaint. A mistake here can result in your case being dismissed before it even gets off the ground. An attorney ensures that the complaint is drafted correctly, filed in the appropriate jurisdiction, and served to all relevant parties.

Inadequate Evidence

Partition lawsuits often require substantial evidence, such as property appraisals, to support your case. Failing to provide this can weaken your position. An attorney can guide you on what evidence is needed and how to obtain it.

Missed Deadlines

The legal process has strict timelines that must be adhered to. Missing a deadline can result in delays, additional costs, or even the dismissal of your case. An attorney keeps track of these deadlines and ensures that all filings and responses are timely.

Legal Technicalities

The law is full of technicalities that can be confusing for a layperson. For example, you may need to file specific motions or respond to legal challenges from the opposing party. An attorney can handle these technical aspects, allowing you to focus on the bigger picture.

Lack of Negotiation Skills

As mentioned earlier, many partition cases are settled out of court. Without the negotiation skills that an experienced attorney brings to the table, you may end up with an unfavorable settlement.

Ownership Structures: A Legal Perspective

The type of ownership structure you have can significantly impact your partition lawsuit. In Florida, the most common types of property ownership are "Tenancy in Common" and "Joint Tenancy."

Tenancy in Common

In this structure, each owner has a separate and distinct share of the property, which can be unequal. Owners are free to sell, lease, or will their share without the consent of the other owners. In a partition lawsuit, the court considers these individual shares when dividing the property or proceeds.

Joint Tenancy

In a joint tenancy, all owners have an equal share of the property, and there are rights of survivorship. This means that if one owner dies, their share automatically goes to the surviving owners. In Florida, joint tenants generally have the right to request a partition, but there are exceptions, especially if the joint tenancy agreement explicitly prohibits partition.

Understanding your ownership structure is crucial for a successful partition lawsuit. An attorney can provide valuable insights into how your type of ownership will affect the legal process and what strategies to employ for a favorable outcome.


While the temptation to go it alone to save on attorney's fees is understandable, the risks and complexities of filing a partition action on your own make this a risky strategy. We have seen many of these cases, and our professional advice is to seek legal representation when considering a partition lawsuit. An experienced attorney can guide you through the legal maze, helping you avoid common pitfalls, meet crucial deadlines, and ultimately, achieve a more favorable outcome. The cost of legal representation is often outweighed by the benefits it brings, not just in terms of a successful partition but also in peace of mind knowing that your case is in capable hands.


Stephen K. Hachey P.A. Stephen K. Hachey P.A.
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