Is it Legal to Arrange Short Sale With Your Relative Coming Forth as a Buyer? Any Consequences?
Selling a home can be tough, especially over time when the market and economy changes. Leftover mortgage payments can cause house selling to be a tough task, for no one wants to have existing debts with the bank. For this reason, short sale becomes the best option. A short sale is an agreement with ...
Can Evictions be Expunged?
Once Title is Transferred at a Foreclosure Sale, Can the New Title Holder Cut Off the Electricity and Water?
Updated: 6/3/23 Understanding Post-Foreclosure Utility Management When a property changes hands through a foreclosure sale, the new title holder steps into a complex web of responsibilities. One of these is the management of utilities such as electricity and water. In Florida, as in many states, ...
Flood of Foreclosures Expected When Boom-Era HELOCs Turn 10
Homeowners who purchased properties during the 2005-2008 real estate saga may not be out of the water just yet! As if the market hitting rock bottom shattering home values across the nation wasn’t enough for these troubled homeowners, those who got into bed with HELOCs to pad their cash on hand at t ...
Do I respond to a Motion for Summary Judgment After it is Filed, OR After it is Set for a Hearing?
If you’ve been having trouble making payments on your mortgage for one reason or another, you may find yourself being served a Motion for Summary Judgment. So what does this mean for you and your home? A Motion for Summary Judgment is, as it says, a motion filed by one party seeking judgment on a ...
Are Promissory Notes Required in Foreclosure Cases?
When you signed the daunting pile of paperwork during the closing on your home purchase, one of those pieces was a promissory note. A promissory note provides evidence of you borrowing money from your lender – most likely a bank, but this can be a private individual as well. These notes, due to thei ...
When Tenant Responds Within 15 Days of Receiving Landlord's 'Notice of Intent to Make a Claim" What is Landlord's Next Step?
When you enter into a rental agreement with a tenant, it is expected that both parties will uphold said agreement. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. While most tenants do fulfill their end of the arrangement, a select few do not. When this occurs, you can find yourself with damages, unauth ...
Can a Management Company Refuse a Late Rent Payment?
When financial burdens strike – it can be devastating. Not only does it affect your morale, but it can hinder your ability to pay the most necessary of bills: your rent. In an attempt to save yourself from eviction, you go down to the property manager’s office to make a partial payment. Horrifyingl ...
What Happens After a Judicial Default has been Granted on a Foreclosure?
The foreclosure process comes with a lot of different actions, paperwork, and notices. For the average person, all the paperwork and hearings can be confusing – and at times, frustrating. One of the actions that you may see during the course of your foreclosure is the judicial default. Technically s ...
Can the Bank Collect Past Due HOA Fees After a Foreclosure Judgment?
You worked hard to be able to purchase that home or condo. You sign your papers, you move in… And then tragedy strikes. You get sick, injured, or suffer the hit of cut-backs at work. You’re unable to pay your home owners association fees, and before you know it, you’re missing mortgage payments. The ...