Are There Ways to Avoid Foreclosure?
Foreclosure is a scary possibility for many of us. As the economy moves up and down, things like job security and cost of living can be unpredictable. It’s important to do as much as we can to stay in the clear – for our financial sake and for our sanity. Here are some ways you can avoid foreclosu ...
Are There Alternatives to Foreclosure I Should Look Into?
It can be difficult to think of foreclosure as a reality. When the economy is going through tough times, we feel it, and it can spell disaster and heart break for families that are threatened with foreclosure. However, there are several alternatives to foreclosure that you may want to look into. H ...
Can Florida Mortgage Brokers Charge an Application Fee Under Florida Law?
I Negotiated a Loan Modification With a Company in California and Paid an Up-Front Fee for Its Service. I Was Reading About the Companies in Florida That are Being Sued For Charging These Fees. Does the Law Only Apply to Florida Companies?
Certain laws and regulations can get buried, forgotten and overlooked in the midst of financial crisis and/or management. Most people are unfamiliar with certain real estate laws until their finances or their property is in jeopardy. Here’s what you need to know about up-front fees for loan modifi ...
How to Avoid Real Estate Scams
No one wants to find themselves in this kind of situation: the victim of fraud, theft, manipulation. But unfortunately scammers are out there, and able to take advantage of unsuspecting people. Real estate scammers are among the biggest problem in today’s market. Let’s take a look at some of the sca ...
Do I Need to Stop Paying My Mortgage in Order to Qualify for a Loan Modification?
In times of financial hardship, it can be difficult to face the truth: bills may be difficult or impossible to pay, and you need help. The first step is to realize that you need to take control. Getting behind on payments or failing to pay each month can result in bad credit and foreclosure of you ...
What is the Process for Evicting a Former Owner After Foreclosure in FL?
In the unfortunate event that an owner must be evicted from their home in Florida, there are a series of steps that need to be taken. After a foreclosure, a bank has the right to take the property. However, the previous owner may not yet have a new residence. In order to gain possession of the resid ...
How do I Know Whether a Foreclosure Modification Company is Legitimate?
With so many programs in place to help homeowners avoid foreclosures and keep their homes, it can be difficult to figure out who is legitimate and who is harboring less than honest intentions. If you are trying to get a modification on your home loan or looking for a way to avoid or manage a loomi ...
What Happens After Receiving a 3-Day Eviction Notice in FL?
What is a 3-Day Eviction Notice? A 3-Day Notice is most often served in Florida when a tenant does not pay rent, and the landlord intends to pursue eviction proceedings. Any violation of the lease terms can result in a 3-Day Notice, which demands that the tenant either rectify the problem or leave ...
Can a Tenant Deny Access to a Landlord to Show a Property For Sale in FL?
In Florida's real estate market, the sale of rented properties is not uncommon. However, this can create a complex interplay between a tenant's right to privacy and a landlord's right to sell. Let's dissect this intricate balance, offering both tenants and landlords a clearer roadmap for such situat ...