Can a Trustee Claim a Security Deposit in Bankruptcy?
Though one can file a petition for relief under a number of chapters in the Bankruptcy Code, consumers most commonly file for liquidation under Chapter 7, which involves a court-appointed trustee collecting nonexempt assets from the petitioner or debtor in order to pay its creditors. Generally a tr ...
In the state of Florida, can my landlord evict me if my lease has expired and the house is in foreclosure?
Wondering what your options are when your lease has expired and the house in foreclosure? In the state of Florida, in certain circumstances your landlord can evict you, but there are many ways to stay on good terms and avoid eviction. When dealing with tenant issues, keep in mind the Protecting T ...
Are there any websites or reports landlords can pull on a potential tenant to see if they have a history of causing problems?
If you are looking to rent a new place, be aware that landlords have different ways of checking to see if potential tenants have had any issues in the past. With websites and landlord connections in their arsenal, they can investigate to see if you have a history of causing problems. Different webs ...
In the state of Florida, can a landlord simply change the locks on a tenant for being late on paying rent?
As the nation continues to recover from the recent economic downturn, millions of renters still struggle to make ends meet. If you’re a distressed renter in the state of Florida, you may be asking what your rights are as a tenant and what happens next. This quick overview of Florida’s eviction law ...
Can I get a loan modification after filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
It is an unfortunate reality that many people were severely affected by the economic downturn. We’ve all heard horror stories about underwater mortgages and whole neighborhoods in foreclosure. Some borrowers have resorted to bankruptcy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy does offer the opportunity for loan modif ...
My unit is infested with bed bugs and the landlord does not want to take responsibility to exterminate them. What are my rights?
The world has seen an explosion in bedbug infestations in the past few years. Renters in multifamily dwellings are especially susceptible. If you have a bedbug infestation and your landlord is giving you the runaround, here are your rights: Per Florida Law, landlords are responsible for exterminati ...
As a Tenant, are You Responsible for Damages to a Home About to be Foreclosed?
Tenants and landlords share many responsibilities, but when it comes to the property the bulk of liability falls to the owner. For the most part, tenant responsibilities amount to operating appliances in a reasonable manner and keeping the premises which they occupy safe and clean. Unless you yo ...
If You Find Mold and Mildew in Your Unit and the Landlord Refuses to do Anything About it. What Action Should You Take?
Mold is not only a nuisance; it can also be highly toxic, capable of causing a number of ailments such as asthma and even chronic fatigue. So it’s no surprise that mold is a growing concern for renters across the country. Though there are few states with mold-related laws in the books, your landlord ...
Under the Protecting Tenants Act, What is Required to Qualify as a Bonafide Lease Agreement?
With the housing market still recovering from the economic stint, many people are thinking twice before they sign mortgage papers and starting to lean towards a rental agreement. But since many of these renters aren’t your typical kid out of college, they might be taking a second look at the quality ...
In the State of Florida, Who is Responsible for Paying a Deceased Relative’s Mortgage?
It’s not something anyone wants to think about, let alone try and figure out during a grieving period, but settling the estate of a loved one is something the bank will only let you ignore for so long. Given that the average American family has more than one child, specifically 2.5 children, decidin ...